Your Stories

The Chance

Dianne Shaver

While everything is on hold, we are not. Our minds, our spirits, our energy is still working as usual. What’s different now is we are not rushing around and have the opportunity to pay attention in a way we usually do not. Given that, we can now begin to focus on what kind of world we want to live in and stop waiting to be told what that will be when this is over. We are all connected, not by actual contact, but by the fact that we all live on this planet. So, when we work together even on the level of thought, change does take place.

So, again, the question – what kind of world do you want to live it? Do you want a kinder more empathetic world? Do you want a world where every human is valued? Do you want a world based on integrity? Do you want a world where we use our gifts and talents? Do you want a world filled with creativity and innovation that works for all? Do you want a world where the most vulnerable are a common responsibility? Do you want a world that values the individual over money? Do you want a world where we are treated equally? Do you want a world where we support one another’s dreams and the right to be?

Obviously, that’s the world I envision. It’s clear we cannot continue as we have been. That’s one of the gifts of this time in quarantine. Again, I am not forgetting those who are suffering- those stricken and those who are caring for them, the frontline workers keeping our groceries and necessities coming. The caregivers and those who are providing essential services are all demonstrating the world I envision. Plus they are showing us what is possible when we care. It’s a very hard lesson, but if we learn it we do not have to go through things like this again.

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Every person who is caring for the ill – the doctors, nurses, technicians, those sewing masks, keeping the grocery stores open and stocked, driving the trucks that bring our food and necessities, delivering the mail, preparing and giving food to the homeless, paying employees when the business is closed, keeping the banks open and all of those who are doing similar things whom I may have not mentioned. They demonstrate what a world where we care for one another looks like. There is no reason that cannot continue when we come out of this. Ture, it will look different from what is going on right now but we cannot go back to the uncaring, dog eat dog world we had before all of this. Most of the time that attitude is cloaked in respectability and a smile and the right words, but the underlying commitment to only self and family and those who are like us is still there. I have seen people who are pillars of their community and their church spew hatred toward those who are different. This cannot be. Not if we want to survive as a human race.

Now is the time to decide what we want our culture to be. It’s not up to those in power. Change has always come from the bottom up and it has been small groups standing up for what they want that have brought every significant change. There was a saying – “what if there was a war and no one came?” We can change it to – “what if there was blind greed and cruelty and we didn’t buy into it, promote it or live it?” We do have that choice. We are not powerless. We have been told that we are but it is not true. The first thing we can do is to stop listening to “experts” and listen to our heart and what it is telling us and where it is leading us. No one can tell you what’s right for you but you. Doing that easy and small thing is the beginning of changing the world. Because from that place of truth we can do no harm, experience compassion and live a life that as meaning. And when we each do that it adds up to a changed world. We now have that chance.

Best wishes for creating a better world

Dianne J. Shaver, M.A.


Blog Your Stories

8 Wonderful years of hosting

Well if you told me that I would be doing podcasting hosting for 8 years already way back then, I would not have believed you.

My first show with Authentic You media was live and a disaster, but I prevailed 13 months of live podcasting, before going to my own network PLV Radio. That name changed 2 years later to Self Discovery Radio, then 3 years after that Self Discovery Radio/TV as I went into videos too. Shortly after that I changed it again to Self Discovery Media.

I have learned so much about myself, about human nature, about health, wealth, love and empowerment through the years that it inspired me to develop another platform to enhance my guest’s knowledge even further afield.

So two years ago, Self Discovery Community was blueprinted. Time always dictates when things should be ready to go further, and it took two years to find someone who would build a platform that could cope with the advancement.

It was meant to be ready for my 8 year anniversary on April 4th, but my developer is behind due to external pressures and working with someone who does not get technology.  ( as you can see by these sites I did myself)

So Discovering will come to pass soon, but as I promised to deliver this content by now, I have made a makeshift site to hold the content for now till the new site is ready.  Here you will find the platform of intent and invite, we are open for business and as Self Discovery Media merges with the community sites, it will be easier to find those wonderful Mentors with their services, and our inspiring guests who share their Why with us on their extraordinary life journeys.


So come to now and see what we are offering, and this will get switched over to Discovering HOPEFULLy by May.



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Rachel Kelsch

Balanced Well beings

A little about ourselves.

​Here at Balanced Well Beings we….accomplish health goals every day! We create a community for your health and overall well being. We put our expertise to work for you and your body to create a physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual place of health, that you have never seen before. We get results! We give you answers!

We help to heal clients from chronic illness and teach them to become their own wellness boss.

We help to heal clients from chronic illness and teach them to become their own wellness boss.

In this  series Wellness Boss experience (6 weeks of online in-depth training and weekly coaching)

We offer In office healing sessions

Remote Phone sessions. Online training, online at and instagram @ balanced_well_beings  

Week 1- How to fill deficiencies to avoid disease?

Week 2-How to find the right nutrition and customize your diet?

Week 3-The truth behind weight loss and weight gain?

Week 4-How to create an intuitive connection with your body?

Week 5-VIRUS! Why it is the cause of your symptoms and how to start healing!

Week 6-How to finally conquer depression and anxiety?


Co-Author of the 30/30 Rules

The 30/30 Rules What I wish I knew In My 20’s By 30 Women In Their 30’s


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John North Evolvepreneur

Discover The New Revolution in Community-Based eLearning and Marketing Solutions for Coaches, Consultants, Authors, Podcasters, Publishers and Mastermind Groups.

Traditional eLearning and Coaching Systems are non-interactive and too rigid for the busy and distracting lifestyles of today’s students and clients.

We have struggled with providing clients with even a basic business system without having to subscribe to numerous unrelated software platforms. Because there is no simple, central way to manage all of these different implementations, it quickly becomes a tangled web of cobbled-together plugins, workarounds, and synchronizations.


Here is an example of what a typical entrepreneur needs in their business system to be successful in today’s highly-competitive marketplace:

  1. A great mobile-ready website that tightly integrates your podcast channel and blogs.
  2. Ability to email your subscribers when new content is available, such as your latest podcast.
  3. Create a highly-engaged community for your clients and prospects that can give them extra value behind a secure login.
  4. The ability for your visitors to buy your products/services on the same site and handle the delivery on whether to serve up a download or ship a physical product. Also, you may wish to have multiple payment gateways, such as Stripe and PayPal.
  5. They all end up in your back-end membership area, which includes all their invoices, downloads and bonus content. No fumbling around with separate websites and different logins!
  6. Ability to create a recurring membership system where you can charge them monthly, yearly, etc. 
  7. Courses where your members can learn online at their own pace. A course system allows them to progress as they do each lesson, not necessarily on a weekly release schedule where they could easily get behind and give up.
  8. What about assigning tasks and quizzes to your course? No longer do they need to download a worksheet PDF they never actually complete. You can see all their answers, which means you also know where they are at in the course schedule.  No one is left behind!
  9. This means you can also coach them based on their task list.
  10. Then, of course, you may want different front-end websites but don’t want to have them all operate in their own ecosystem. With Evolvepreneur, you can have as many front-end sites as you like and they all can lead back to one single back end community, meaning they are all a part of the same ecosystem.  
  11. What about a powerful analytics reporting system so you can see exactly where your web traffic is coming from and what they’re clicking on?
  12. single dashboard to run your business, know your marketing numbers, create content and manage your business.
  13. A business procedure system so your staff and outsourcers can run your processes the same way every time.
  14. A Customer Service system including a ticket system to track and ensure all your customers are provided quality service.
  15. Create an easy system for your referrers or affiliates to share your products and services and be rewarded.
  16. What if you wanted to create a mastermind group? Evolvepreneur has the ability to group people together and map out a logical progression and access to Q&A calls, group tasks, and results.
  17. A Marketing Module to trigger emails or actions based on your prospect’s behavior, as well as help them progress through your courses.
  18. project management system to help you and your team manage your own projects.

How long to do you think this would take to implement? Maybe a year! We have been there. It’s not easy, and we would probably have been forced to use 4-5 systems just to manage all of these different features.

But this is the vision for Evolvepreneur. In as little as 90 days, you will have a fully functional business system that would normally have taken years to create.



Five-Time #1 International Best Selling Author…

John North is a versatile and experienced entrepreneur with a solid background in Accounting, Banking, Finance, Personal Development IT, Marketing and Business Management.

 John currently holds a number of titles, including CEO of Evolvepreneur Pty Ltd and has an Associate Diploma in Business (Accounting)  

 John’s passion is to help business owners become more strategic and smarter about their marketing efforts. He constantly pushes the envelope of what’s possible in this modern era and is widely regarded among his peers as very innovative and highly creative in his approach.

The 5 Stages To Entrepreneurial Success: What Every Entrepreneur Should Know About Dominating Your Market

The Evolvepreneur Platform combines social networking and community based learning to unleash an incredible opportunity to launch, scale and grow your business exponentially, right now… TODAY!…

Discover The New Revolution in Community-Based eLearning and Marketing Solutions…

 Course Creation, Success Paths, Goals, Progress Based Learning

eCommerce, Affiliate & Membership Management

 Social Community Networking & Learning, Customer Support Module

 Contact Management, Gamification, eMail Marketing

 Survey & Quizzes tightly integrated with Courses

Blogs & Podcasts, Messaging, Coach Directory

 Mastermind & Coaching Modules


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All Secure Veterans Foundation

BEYOND THE BATTLEFIELD with Tom and Jen Satterly

Sargent Major Tom Satterly came home a soldier and continued to soldier in his home life, it was all he knew but it was not working it was destroying his home. Find more of his story here.

Once he realized that he had to change or lose everything, he along with his 4th wife Jen started a foundation to help veterans and their spouses reconnect with each other on the home front.



– Workshop Retreats for Special Operations combat warriors and their significant others lead by Tom and Jen Satterly, along with trauma and marriage therapist, Stacey Stone. 

– PTS Resiliency Training for Active Duty Special Operations Service Members

– Resources for SOF couples and their families healing from PTS and TBI.
Where people can directly find our services and sign up with you.

Facebook / Instagram

VIRAGO. A division of All Secure Foundation Empowering Women to help their Combat Warrior Heal from PTS

Facebook / Instagram



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Gina Gardiner

Imagine being paralyzed and having the strength and determination to come back from this, learning to walk again as an adult – twice and still achieve the top accolades of your profession. Gina Gardiner’s own story is one of powerful transformation. Genuinely-You Ltd is Gina’s business, providing compelling coaching and training. Her wide range of clients learn to be their genuine selves in work and life and to lead happier, more successful, more fulfilling lives.

Gina is bringing enlightened attitudes and behaviours to the topic of leadership. The Enlightened Leadership Programme provides the blueprint for achieving this soul-FULL leadership habit. Most leadership training is forgotten in a matter of months with delegates returning to habitual (bad) behaviour – The Enlightened Leadership Programme will change this and enable you to work better, live better and lead better for the rest of your life.

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This fast-evolving situation with COVID-19 is impacting each of us in different ways. It is now clear there will be a significant global recession. However, if you are willing to start new practices to grow and create resilience, partnerships, a side-business online, and/or more, then this opportunity is for You!

Life is too short to spend it feeling anxious, stressed, lonely, and miserable so it makes sense to give it a try – what have you got to lose?

I created the 7 Day Happiness Challenge as I believe that there’s so much we can do to feel happier, more contented, more confident about our lives. I set up the seven-day challenge, to share the principles and strategies with you. Each day, I will offer you some strategies to help you feel happier and to maintain that happiness over time.

They have been proven to work if you employ them consistently. They may feel a little strange at first – that is because they feel unfamiliar. Like anything – the more you practice the easier they will become.

Give yourself a gift by taking the Genuinely You 7 Day Happiness Challenge.

You are the common denominator in your life.

You take you into every situation, every moment of every day from the moment you are born to the moment you die.

So, doesn’t it make sense to make the most of this amazing life, and allow yourself to feel happy as often as possible. I can help you achieve greater happiness.

Embrace the Genuinely You Happiness Challenge, give it a chance.

By choosing to incorporate just one of the strategies offered through the challenge you can make a significant difference in how happy you feel on a regular basis.

However, the real power comes when you incorporate the principles and strategies into your daily life you will reap the reward.

You can find out more  HERE

So, join me, TODAY,  on the



Multiple No 1 International Best Selling Author, Motivational Speaker, Business, Empowerment and Relationship coach. 
All my books are available on Amazon:”Thriving Not Surviving – The 5 Secret Pathways To Happiness, Success and Fulfillment””Chariots On Fire” “Kick Start Your Career” “Manage Your Staff More Effectively” “Live Well Eat well with Coeliac Disease”  Co-Author of World’s Renowned Bestselling Book: “The Change: Manifest Your Greatness Today Book 11” with Jim Britt (First mentor to Anthony Robbins) and Jim Lutes

Links to Gina’s Podcast: 

Gina’s YouTube Channel:



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Diane Shaver

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Together we will change the world.  As each person awakens we move the total consciousness forward.

On the Transformations Show, I will be interviewing people who are doing their part to change the world for the better. They are people who had the courage of their convictions, the drive within them to do what they know they came here on this planet to do and the passion to see it through.  They are not different from you and me, they are committed. My wish is they inspire you to follow what you came here to do.  This time it is not one person who will lead us into change, it is many of us, each doing our small or large part.  A quote from my book, “How Life Works, “When you act from your heart, you are standing in your full strength. The heart is the place of wisdom, honor and courage.”  This is the time to open our hearts and trust what is within us and share it generously with the world.

It has been a long journey to get to this show.  I have always known what I am talking about here but have not always trusted and followed it.  When Sara opened up the door for me to do it, I came back to myself. I have successfully coached people for about twenty-six years.  Since I have been an entrepreneur for that long I coach entrepreneurs, but it’s not only about business, it’s about our development as people and business is the route many people take.  But to be successful at anything you have to know who you are which is the purpose of coaching. The people you’ll be meeting on  Transformations shows have had their own journey which they will share.  Now it’s time for you to start your journey.

Dianne holds a Masters’ degree in Human Development with a specialty in counseling and coaching and has coached entrepreneurs for over 26 years.  She has trained entrepreneurs to pitch to investors and has run many pitch events.  She has had a radio show interviewing entrepreneurs for 5 years and writes a weekly blog, Success Thoughts Blog


Dianne J. Shaver, M.A. Business Coach
Focused on helping:
Startups                                                      Existing Business with Heart and Consciousness

My specialty is working with Entrepreneurs with Heart as well as an informed focus on the bottom line.  This is a time for consciousness in business.

I’ll help you prove that profit and heart work well together.  This is a time for innovative businesses that address global issues.  I’ve learned from interviewing people all over the world on my radio show, Transformations, that there are many successful businesses doing just that and the number are growing. I want to help you add your business to that list.

I work with businesses anywhere in the world via Zoom



Dianne Shaver, M.A. Coach


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Dr Kitiboni Adderley

Dr Kitiboni Adderley, affectionately known as Kiti, is a holistic physiotherapist, health coach, educator, and mentor who focuses on cancer and diabetic rehabilitation. This dedicated professional has a magic touch, and combined with her knowledge and experience, makes her one of the best manual therapists in The Bahamas. She is highly trained in myofascial release and the McKenzie Method and is also certified in pregnancy massage and Kinesiotaping.

Kiti is a Certified Lymphedema Therapist and a breast cancer and oncology rehabilitation specialist and is considered to be one of the leading physiotherapists in The Bahamas. She is also certified mastectomy breast prosthesis and bra fitter, as well as a custom compression garment fitter.

In 2004, Kiti opened Handling Your Health Wellness and Rehab where she is the senior physical therapist and has a dedicated team of therapists who provide a wholistic therapeutic approach to their patients.  Kiti believes that prevention is better than cure and that a wholesome approach of mind, body, nutrition, and spirituality play an important part in a patient’s progress. She has worked with athletes, children, the elderly and persons from all walks of life and her patients benefit from her caring and dedicated manner.  Kiti and her team would like people to make them a top choice when it comes to caring giving, recovery and wellness needs.

Their keen work with the lymphatic system, which tends to become compromised due to health issues common with cancer and diabetes, have set them apart from the ordinary. Handling Your Health Wellness and Rehab’s out-patient clinic develops and manages programs and therapies for those who have experienced post-mastectomy, or loss of limb, post-joint replacement, spinal surgery, traumatic injuries, chronic pain, and other serious conditions. Their work also includes sports therapy, home care and perinatal.

Prior to opening her rehabilitation business, Kiti spent four years under the tutelage of Erica Rolle as a Clinic Physical Therapist and workplace wellness educator at Doctor’s Hospital Health Care System in Nassau, Bahamas. There, she also worked in the in-patient setting with those who needed therapy for acute care, and for medical or surgical reasons, as well as in the outpatient setting, with those who had orthopaedic and neurological requirements.

Education and continuing education are paramount to Kitiboni Adderley. In 2000, she graduated from the University of The West Indies School of Physical Therapy in Jamaica and in 2017, she obtained her Doctorate in Physical Therapy from Utica College in Utica, New York. She has been a Certified Health Coach for the last five years.

Since 2000, she has attended numerous conferences and workshops locally and in the United States and is proud of her oncology training. She continues to dedicate her time and share her knowledge educating the public about wellness and how to manage chronic non-communicable diseases such as diabetes and hypertension. Her podcast “H.E.A.R. (Health Education Awareness and Rehabilitation) Caribbean” highlights advice from medical and wellness professionals and education on various health concerns.

Kiti is a professional advisor of The Bahamas Breast Cancer Initiative Foundation, the One Eleuthera Foundation and a Susan G Komen Breast Cancer educator. She has served as president of the Bahamas Association of Physiotherapists for four years and currently represents the Bahamas at the World Confederation for Physical Therapy. She has worked with numerous National Sports Teams like Carifta, CAC and IAAF World Relays and has volunteered with the National Kingdor Parkinson Association.

Kiti’s memberships include The Bahamas Association of Physiotherapists, Jamaican Physiotherapy Association, American Academy of Physical Therapy, American Physical Therapy Association (APTA), Health Policy & Administration Section- American Physical Therapy Association, Section on Women’s Health, Oncology section, American Telemedicine Association and Empowering a Billion Women by 2020.

Kiti is married and the mother of three daughters. She enjoys immersing herself in nature, travelling, experiencing other cultures, reading, cooking and crafting. Her quiet time is spent meditating or practising yoga.




You can learn more about Kitiboni Adderley on Linked In or follow her on Facebook.Dr. Kitiboni (Kiti) Adderley, PT, DPT, CLT, CKTI 

Doctor of Physical TherapyCertified Lymphedema TherapistCertified Kinesio Taping InstructorCertified Edema SpecialistHandling Your Health Wellness & RehabNassau, Bahamas
Tel: (242)322-5496
Fax: (242)322-5497Immediate Past PresidentBahamas Association of Physiotherapy

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Lynnis Woods-Mullins

Lynnis Woods-Mullins host of The Wellness Journey show and Wellness Woman 40 and Beyond Magazine and Vibe Living.

Lynnis Woods-Mullins is a Certified Holistic Living and Wellness Expert and Certified Life Coach for women over 40. She’s the Founder of PraiseWorks Health and Wellness -a mind, body, spirit wellness company that specializes in educating women 40 and over on wellness. For 10 years Lynnis has educated and empowered Women over 40 on mind, body, spirit wellness through her coaching programs, e-books, DVDs, radio programs, webinars, her digital magazine, podcast programs, webcast series, and wellness retreats. She is a powerhouse of potently positive content and helpful strategies for women beyond 40! She provides education on holistic practices, fitness, nutrition, and spiritual renewal. Lynnis is the creator behind the Wellness Woman 40 and Beyond and VI.B.E. Living brands. She has more than 50-years’ experience in dance, is certified in Yoga and Pilates, and a published author, including “Power Up Super Women,” which she co-authored. Lynnis packs a major punch for women’s empowerment as she teaches and coaches women on how to lose weight during mid-life, reduce hot flashes, manage cortisol and other menopausal symptoms, and how to increase your focus, clarity and energy, and all that goes into aging gracefully. Lynnis is currently sponsoring a trip to Costa Rica! in late April of 2020 and is rolling out two new online programs on wellness for women over 40. “Tapping Your Way To Wellness” is her midlife wellness program that focuses on dropping unwanted inches and pounds through yoga, walking, meal planning and the art of tapping. Her “Emergence of The Total Woman” is a personal development program that focuses on removing the blocks that keep you from living a life that you love! Lynnis recently retired her 9-year-old show “The Wellness Journey” and just launched her latest podcast “V.I.B.E. Living” which is about living a thriving lifestyle after 40, 50, 60 and beyond. Lynnis is passionate about encouraging women over 40 to be empowered to move forward with optimism as they age. “It is never too late to make a lifestyle change, go after your dreams and to increase the joy in your life.” She lives in California with her husband Michael and has four adult daughters and 3 grandchildren.

For all her shows  



Check Out My New Book – Power Up Super Woman

V.I.B.E. Living Podcast – 

Emergence Encounter E-Learning Classes – 

Come To Costa Rica –

Wellness Woman Holistic Academy –

Wellness Woman 40 Group –

Wellness Woman Channel –

Twitter –


Pinterest –

Blessings and Health Always

Your Stories

We are the leaders in our own life



Most of us are at a crossroads in life not knowing where to go or how to read the signs before us.

The journey forward is personal but also collective, the more we include those that can enable us the more cohesive and stronger the path will be. But who are the leaders that will safely guide us forward in our collective energy which will unite the world?

Can we turn to the leaders of today, the religious realm, the politicians, the governments and health sector, can we trust them to lead our mind body and soul? By my past experiences, the answer is a resounding NO.
Three things wrong with our leaders today, Ego, lack of integrity and their fear of losing control. They may start off with good intent, but the contamination of what has been before is just too deep and they cannot escape the sewage of economic greed that governs this world. It is time for a complete rebuild from the startup and with new principles that guides us and the new leadership has to be serving the individual in order to serve the collective. Help one to stand tall and you will help the world stand firm and strong.

No matter the advances we make in technologies innovations or cosmic awareness, we are as humans dumb. Fear, greed, insecurity and a longing to belong dictates our very way or life. We don’t care who gets hurt along the way as long as it isn’t us. We fear that we have to make a choice in our own lives because we are conditioned to follow like sheepeople blindly walking into slaughter without any accountability to our own lives. But when we don’t like the results, we sit there crying over how hard done by you are and blame someone else, never ourselves.

Collective conciseness is about knowing and being aware of soul, true connected self, heart, honesty and a desire to learn more to enable the world to unite in a belief (not a religion) but a faith in mankind to do the right thing for one’s fellow man and this wondrous world we live in. It is about standing up taking ownership to be willing to be vulnerable and trust, simple trust and extend the hand to another with care understanding and a desire to help them move forward into their own awareness and freedom.
When we had to count on each other for survival security and joy as a village, one took time to make sure everyone was in harmony because it served the whole village. Someone needed help the village was there, they shared in good times as well as bad and shared happiness in truth insincere joy also.

NO this is not pie in the sky idea, those that spurn this concept that is a big part of the problem. They have bought into it is all bloody miserable, so you can’t do anything about it so why try. Those people never solve anything because they have already given up and are as much dead weight at the ones that caused the problems. Just to sit there and spout what is wrong and how everyone is f—ked serves no one without a solution to the problem. No one wants to hear how bad it is but wants to know how to make it better, we are all very much aware of the wrongs in the world but how do we solve the problem without walking the same path as the leaders did?
Choices, free will belief, action, and commitment. It is all up to us. If we take ownership of our own thoughts, actions and beliefs, then we become a part of the solution. It takes YOU to make this a better world, not a world leader for you and the leader in your own life. You cannot complain if you do nothing to help out. Life living action is all about attitude. Do you believe in anything? do you do anything to make things better? Do you speak to hope? Do you think positive thoughts? Do you look to the brightness of life or do you buy into the misery? Your life is your choice, your action your belief, so if it is not living up to expectation then do something about it.

We are the leaders of the world, one positive person with belief and in commitment to take action and to make your day better by passing the good vibrations on. If we stand in our own truth, speak from the heart, speak with integrity, do not take things personally but do our very best to make our own lives a better place to live in, if we don’t judge or assume but listen and feel, we one by one make this a better world to live in.

It is up to you, are you a world leader in your own life? Are you a solution to your own problems, are you a person who is willing to give of themselves to help another? Are you a person who lives in belief? Are you a person who gives a dam? Are you a person who is willing to act on your belief and make your life better in order to make those lives around you better?
Simply put are you a part of the solution or the problem? Only you in your honesty can speak to this, and it is only your action that can lead to inner and outer balance, it is up to you, so what are you going to do about it? And when are you going to act on it?
You want to talk about it email me I would love to hear from you.
Good luck

Sara Troy